Nigerian Newspapers Coverage On Nigerian – Cameroun Bakkasi Dispute

Background of the Study Nigerian – Cameroun Boarder dispute was an off-shoot of the indiscriminate partitioning of African by the Europeans. Before the arrival of white man to Africa, Nigeria and Cameroun historically existed as close Neighbours. Therefore, the dispute over Bakassi Peninsula started when the two countries started laying different claims to the oil […]

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Nigeria-Cameroon Diplomatic Relations In Post Bakassi peninsula Dispute 2006-2016

Nigeria-Cameroon Diplomatic Relations In Post Bakassi peninsula Dispute 2006-2016 ABSTRACT: This work is on Post Bakassi peninsula Dispute between 2006-2016. The realist theory was used as a framework of analysis. Data were derived from secondary sources and content analysis based on logical deduction and analysis of documents was adopted. The study found out that Cameroon-Nigeria […]

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