Information Technology Management Projects



Background to the study

The global environment over the years has changed drastically and become highly innovative and competitive. Every field has become a race to compete and prove. And to remain in this highly competitive market, the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become very vital. Today, the rate at which capacity, competition, customer expectations and the lifestyle is changing, it is very important to keep up the pace with these rising expectations and mould the working of the company in that direction. These changes have led the organizations to move to a direction which will provide a competitive edge in a very cost

  • effective way and embrace the usage of Today the use of ICT is not only inside the company but also outside the company as a tool for marketing and approaching customers and it also facilitates flow of information, ideas, people, products and capital

Historical  Background Of Airline In Nigeria


Air Travel in Nigeria commenced during World War II (1939-1945) when it became necessary to move troops and supplies fast across the country. Several air strips were built then which were converted after the war, to Civilian use Ileoje, N.P. 2003. Nigerian Airways was established in October, 1958 as a Joint Venture among the Nigerian Government, Elder Dempster Lines and the British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC). The Nigeria Airways took over the operation of the industry in 1963 and operated a fleet of nineteen aircraft consisting of two each of Boeings 707 and 737, one DC 10-30 aircraft used mainly for international flights, seven F.28 Jets and seven Folder F.27 propeller aircrafts used mainly on domestic routes in 1976 Filani, M.O. 1983. There are other major international airlines which operate flights to Nigeria, thereby linking Nigeria with the World’s major socio-economic and political centers. This industry was later deregulated and Virgin Nigeria was rebranded to Air Nigeria Filani, M.O. 1983.
By realizing the role of air transport system in the economy, Nigerian Government developed both its physical and human capital such as airport infrastructures and manpower development respectively in the aviation industry Ileoje, N.P. 2003. Statistics revealed an increase in the use of air transportation in Nigeria Filani, M.O. 1983.
Airlines are advanced users of ICTs and a number of airline activities depend heavily on ICT Christensen, J. 2000. Distribution and collaboration with partners is perhaps one of the most critical areas of ICT contribution Shon, et al. 2003. Many low-cost carriers rely exclusively on ICTs for displaying their availability and for communicating and transacting with their clientele. ICTs are equally important in operations management and contribute to the optimization of procedures and processes Alamdari, F.1999 as well as for softer service elements such as in-flight entertainment and customer service Alamdari, F.1999.

Statement of the Problem

Information technology attempts to improve the quality of services offered in the aviation sector, through cost management, time service delivery and improve processes and procedures. According to Porter and Tanner (2012) the development of IT has had profound effects on the services rendered in the avaiation sector. Traditionally IT facilities were primarily used for general business application such as data entry, analysis and manipulation of that data for reporting purposes (Kim, Eves& Scarles, 2013). Information technology is a key growth area in this century especially in a dynamic business and high competition environment, which requires utilizing, advanced IT tools to improve efficiency, cost effectiveness and to present high quality products and services to customers (Seethamraju, 2012).
Global studies focus on IT implementation, management and success in more developed countries like America and China (Davenport, 2013). Competition and dynamic business environment has also triggered any studies to evaluate the extent of use in various industries. However, little attention is given to information technology and operations performance of aviation sector  in the nigeria . Mihalic and Buhalis (2013) studiedICT as a new competitive advantage factor; a case of small transitional hotel sector.

Objectives of the Study

The study seeks to achieve the following two objectives

To examine the factors responsible for the effective deployment of ICT in the aviation sector.
To analyze the Motivating Factors responsible for the deployment of ICT in the Nigerian aviation sector
To investigate the various Challenges faced with the use of ICT services
Research Questions
What are the factors responsible for the effective deployment of ICT in the aviation sector?
Does Motivating Factors responsible for the deployment of ICT in the Nigerian aviation sector?
What are the various Challenges faced with the use of ICT services?
Basically every research requires a significant percentage of human efforts. As this work is not an exception, some of the limitations experienced (exenterated) in the course of carrying out the research are hereby identified:
(1)     Information:
(i)       It is obvious that most organisations are skeptical about giving information as required by researchers. This explains why adequate information was not received from some of the respondents to the questionnaire.
(ii)      There was a colossal dearth of published materials on the subject matter.
(2)     Finance: Finance/resources were not readily available as required to carry out an extensive and thorough research.
(3)     Time: Constraint of time was another limitation experienced in the course of research.

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